Islamic Lifestyle

Egypt Culture Ministry to resume activities mid-July by opening theatres

Published 25 Jun,2020 via Daily News Egypt - All cultural and artistic activities will resume from mid-July, as theatres open up again to the public, Minister of Culture Inas Abdel Dayem announced on Wednesday.

The minister noted that all cultural facilities will be allowed to open with up to 25% of their capacities, while adhering to precautionary measures against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

In a statement, Abdel Dayem said that the resumption of cultural activities indicates Egypt’s ability to address challenges.

She added that cultural institutions must commit to the 25% capacity limit. This measure comes in addition to applying social distancing, and providing audiences with an educational guide to maintain public safety.

Abdel Dayem explained that her ministry will form a committee to follow up on the implementation of these procedures at all cultural sites.

The reopening decision includes all museums which are under the Ministry of Culture’s supervision, art exhibitions, national circus shows, theatres, and cultural and intellectual evenings. The Cairo Opera House will also reopen under the same set of precautionary measures.

The statement added that the ministry will also resume all cultural events which were halted due to the pandemic, in addition to the resumption of granting licenses for artistic events.

Abdel Dayem pointed out that the Ministry of Culture will continue releasing cultural content online as part of its electronic initiative, “The Culture in your Hands”.
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