Halal Industry

Halal industry wrap: Brunei aims to import halal food from Bangladesh

Here's a roundup of key developments across the halal industry ecosystem during the first three weeks of May

Editor's note: Brunei has revealed its interest in importing Bangladeshi halal food, a welcome note for the South Asian country. Meanwhile, Indonesia is keen to up its 'halal' game, by enforcing mandatory halal certifications on local products. Uzbekistan wants to leverage off Malaysia's halal standards expertise to ramp up its offerings. 

Company News


Lulu launches Thai halal food promotion in Qatar

Lulu Hypermarket Qatar has launched the Thai Halal Food Promotion, a culinary extravaganza showcasing Thailand's diverse flavors and cultural heritage.


The inauguration was held at the D-ring branch of Lulu Hypermarket. (The Peninsula)



Halal-friendly Filipino ice cream brand enters UAE

Miguelitos Ice Cream, Philippines' soft ice cream brand with over 600 stores, is set to enter the UAE market.


Its CEO Marlon Aman celebrated the strategic partnership, highlighting its potential to introduce Miguelitos to the UAE market. (Filipino Times)





Halal certification of products mandatory from October

The Ministry of Trade in Indonesia is set to enforce mandatory halal certification for products manufactured by the country's micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) from October 2024 onwards.


Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan emphasized the necessity of this measure during an announcement in Tangerang, highlighting its role in enhancing consumer and producer confidence and bolstering product competitiveness in the global market. (Antara News)



Uzbekistan wants to cooperate with Jakim in halal standards

Uzbekistan seeks collaboration with Malaysia's department of Islamic Development (Jakim) to elevate its halal standards, announced Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim.


This was a key outcome of his bilateral meetings with Uzbekistan's president Shavkat Mirziyoyev.


Additionally, Uzbekistan plans to partner with the National Heart Institute (IJN) to enhance medical treatment and undertake joint projects, and will send its agriculture minister to Malaysia to learn advanced water-saving and agricultural technologies. (New Straits News)



Indonesia government expands authority of halal product determination

The Indonesian government has decided to extend halal certification authority beyond the central Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) to include provincial MUI, regency/city MUI, the Aceh Ulama Consultative Council, and the Halal Product Fatwa Committee, announced Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto.


This expansion was decided during a meeting with the President on the halal issue. (Setkab)



Trade Developments

Malaysia / Japan

Malaysia discusses bilateral trade cooperation, role as halal hub with Japan

Deputy agriculture and food security minister Arthur Joseph Kurup and Japanese parliamentary vice-minister for agriculture, forestry and fisheries Mitsuo Takahashi met to explore avenues of collaboration between Malaysia and Japan.


The discussions encompassed bilateral trade cooperation, the agricultural sector, and Malaysia's burgeoning role as a halal hub, presenting opportunities for mutual benefit. (The Star)


Brunei / Bangladesh

Brunei keen to import halal food from Bangladesh

Foreign Minister Hasan Mahmud revealed Brunei's interest in importing halal food items from Bangladesh, signaling potential economic cooperation between the two nations.


The official emphasized Bangladesh's stance in enhancing trade ties and fostering investment, particularly evident during recent diplomatic engagements across Southeast Asia, Europe, and Africa. (TBS News)


Saudi Arabia / Malaysia

IsDB, HPDC and HDC's collaboration to spearhead innovation for global halal industry

The Halal Economy Leadership Forum 2024 was held in Riyadh, bringing together industry leaders, policymakers, and experts to deliberate on the role of the halal economy in global commerce.


Jointly hosted by the Halal Development Corporation (HDC), Halal Products Development Company (HPDC), and Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), the forum underscored the importance of collaboration and innovation within the halal industry for sustained growth and development. (Zawya)


Hong Kong

Hong Kong seeks to expand halal food options to draw more Muslim tourists

Hong Kong aims to become more Muslim-friendly by expanding its halal food offerings to attract tourists from Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Muslim-majority regions in mainland China.


"We would like to attract more of the entire Muslim travel market… We hope they will come to Hong Kong, and then perhaps venture further into mainland China," said Hong Kong Tourism Board executive director Dane Cheng during a recent visit to Dubai in May. (Straits Time)




