Islamic Finance

Saudi Arabia raises 8.495 bln riyals in sukuk

Published 29 Jun,2020 via Asharq Alawsat (English Edition) - Saudi Arabia has raised 8.495 billion riyals ($2.27 billion) in sukuk, or Islamic bonds, in June, the Finance Ministry said on Sunday.

The first tranche of the sukuk issue is 2.494 billion riyals, and the total tranche size is 5.017 billion riyals, maturing in 2027, a ministry statement said.

The second tranche has a size of 3.670 billion riyals, and a total tranche size of 13.966 billion riyals, maturing in 2030.

The third tranche has a size of 2.331 billion riyals, and a total tranche size of 10.569 billion riyals, maturing in 2035.

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