My Salam

The Hijaab: How a near-death experience started Zareen’s fashion venture

Zareen Shah

Dubai based blogger Zareen Shah is a keen observer of all things fashion and it is a blend of this style sense with modest high street couture that is showcased on her popular modest fashion blog— The Hijaab. 

From how-to guides on street fashion to seasonal hot picks on colours and patterns, The Hijaab features an eclectic mix of fashion trends intended for all those modest fashionistas who love to dress up in style.


“I had always considered myself a Muslim but like many youngsters, I was always partying and did not give much thought to religion. It was an accident en route to Abu Dhabi that changed all that,” says Zareen.

The accident, which was a ‘near-death experience’ she points out, also turned out to be a wake-up  call for  Zareen  and soon she started to spend  her time  at the Jumeirah  Islamic  Learning Centre in Dubai, where she began to believe that her life had to be more meaningful.

“When I was caught up in the accident, all I could think about was that I was going to die. It was then that I realised that I had to change my lifestyle,” she continues. “Slowly, I started to cover up more and wear looser outfits. I felt that in order for the transition to be complete, I had to change my outerwear to match my inner self. It was at this point that I decided to wear the hijab.”


Zareen Shah

But  Zareen’s  enthusiasm  was  not shared  by  her  family,  friends  or those at work who questioned her on  something  that  she  believed, was an essential part of her faith.

“Instead  of  getting  support  on wearing the hijab, I had to face lots of  questions  and  was  judged  by everyone  I  knew.  Even when I searched  online  for  support groups, most of the websites I came across were  either  very  generic  or very  rigid.  I really did not find a voice that I could identify with” she adds.

It was then that Zareen decided to start a blog, as a one-stop support point for all those women who had either  converted  or  reverted  to Islam and wanted to wear a hijab.

The  initial  responses  she  received for  her  blog  posts  were  quite encouraging  and  Zareen  felt  that the  hijabi  women  who  hit  her  up were not just looking for support but also for styles that would suit them best.


Zareen Shah

Taking  inspiration from the stalls  in Portobello Road  in  London and Korea Town  in New York City,  as  well  as  from  the  high?street  shops  in  Dubai  –  Zara Top  Shop and  H&M –  Zareen incorporates an eclectic range of fashion choices in her posts.

Today, she counts Malaysia and Turkey as two top destinations for creative but modest fashion wear  –  a  classic  example  being  the  popular  ‘hood  hijab’,  which  can  be  played  around  and accessorised with in different ways.

An  artist  at  heart,  Zareen  talks  passionately  about  the  latest  hijab-friendly  style  –  layering neutral shades such  as  baby  blue,  beige  and  nude with  long  cardigans, sleeveless  long-waist coats, flared pants and culottes— her personal favourite.

In the Middle East and especially in the UAE though, the focus continues to be on abayas with Emirati  designers  now  branching  out  and  experimenting  with  intricate  patterns,  tassels  and artwork.

“I  honestly  don’t  think  fashion  has  to  be  complicated,”  she  says  confidently. 

“The styles I suggest are the ones anyone can wear. I love comfort and I try to find those staple pieces that you can play around with.

“I have been using this long-sleeved white shirt in so many different ways and am planning to write a blog on it soon – something like the little black dress [of modest fashion]!”

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Jethu Abraham